Business Growth

001 Taxis

We’re doing thousands of trips through Local Cab – it’s been brilliant


001 Taxis, based in Oxford, is a 500-car fleet which has been running for over 40 years.
With a further two taxi companies covering Western-super-Mare and Exeter, the company covers a large area in South and Southwest England and continues to grow.


With their other two firms using the Autocab system, and 001 on a competitor dispatch system, the business was looking to streamline their operations and make the switch to one system.
After a dip in drivers post lockdown, 001 were also looking for ways to boost their driver numbers and increase demand in the area.


After monitoring the performance of all three firms, 001 decided to make the switch to Autocab. Amir Khan, Manager at 001 said:

“The system was really stable and doing well in Exeter and Western-super-Mare so we decided to utilise the Autocab system in Oxford.

With a system of our size, it took us a little bit of time for everything to get up and running, but we’re really pleased we did it – the system is working really well for us now”.

001 were also one of the first operators to go live on the pilot of Local Cab – a launch which connects riders who use the Uber app directly with local taxi and private hire operators. The company is already seeing great success from the partnership and are thrilled to see what the future holds. Amir said:

“Teaming up with Uber has been really good for us. When we spoke to the guys at Autocab, they explained the model to us – we continue to operate at 001, with the bonus of being able to obtain Uber work, which wouldn’t have been possible before”.


Post launch, 001 are already seeing some great results from the Autocab system and Local Cab partnership, with increased jobs and a brand-new customer base:

“Since the Local Cab launch, our booking numbers have continued to rise. Uber has done lots of marketing in the area and we’ve had thousands of trips come through Local Cab as a result – it’s been brilliant.

What’s great is that the majority of the customers using the Uber app have been new customers. They’re providing you with new customers in the area.

In Oxford, we have a lot of customers and tourists who get off at the train station and automatically open the Uber app. So, with the partnership, we automatically get the jobs pushed our way, which increases our workload”.

Not only has the Uber partnership allowed 001 to increase their booking numbers, but they have also seen a rise in drivers who are interested in working with the firm:

“Drivers were really excited about the news. The driver shortages have been really difficult, but we’ve actually had a lot of new drivers approach us who want to work for us and increase their earnings. It’s just created a really big buzz”.

As for the Autocab system, after some initial issues were ironed out, 001 have seen just how much it has helped them to grow as a business and where it can take them in the future:

“The whole team has been really supportive. If we raise any issues, they’re looked into straight away and we’re really pleased with how everything is going.

I would definitely recommend Autocab. We’ve already seen how our business can grow with the utilisation of the technology and I think they’ve got a lot of exciting new things coming out, which will benefit any taxi company that uses their system”.

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The Local Cab partnership has created a really big buzz with drivers in Oxford – we’ve already had a number of drivers from rival firms approach us directly asking for jobs.

More trips for your drivers, and a profitable taxi business for you. That’s Autocab

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